Sun Care

Growing awareness of the dangers involved in exposing the skin to the sun’s harmful UV rays is the main cause of sunburns (immediate effect on skin cells) as well as skin cancer. This has encouraged people to use sunscreens as part of their daily routine for healthier skin, as well as dermatologists and family physicians urging people to use sunscreens on a daily basis. Turn to Inter Cosmetiques as your private label sunscreen manufacturer of choice to ensure you have this niche filled in your product line.

As regulated products in countries like Canada and US, only licensed and authorized manufacturers can produce sunscreens. This is a growing business with a lot of interests which need an investment for safer, quality products to meet the market trends.

There are some important trends and technical features to create these products, however due to the difference in regulatory affairs in different countries these may vary. As an experienced developer of sunscreens, Inter Cosmetiques globally reflects the following considerations in its sun care development:

  • Formulating high SPF, broad spectrum products while maintaining a very good safety profile.
  • Using new approved active ingredients with outstanding safety profile for European markets.
  • Incorporating SPF boosting substances for better performance of sunscreens with lower concentration of chemical filters.
Private Label Sunscreen Manufacturer